On this forum you hear of some extremely wild stories.
Did I keep boring company or something?
- Anyway, being a JDub in three different countries and over a 25 year period, I never encountered anything remotely like it!
during your time as a jw were there any instances where other jws of the opposite sex young or old, attempted to sexually seduce you?
On this forum you hear of some extremely wild stories.
Did I keep boring company or something?
- Anyway, being a JDub in three different countries and over a 25 year period, I never encountered anything remotely like it!
if someone asked to state briefly why you left the jw brotherhood what would you say?
Because I could not keep up the charade anymore i.e. that only the WTS had THE TRUTH - when, in fact they were wrong about just about everything!
i know this has probably been asked before.. did anything positive come from you being a jw?.
i personally was never a jw....but i have benefited from darling husband being one.
from working on all those quick builds and being involved in all those cleaning businesses.
From originally being a very shy person, I did learn to speak in public - courtesy of the Ministry School.
However, when you take everything into consideration, it was a VERY expensive course in Public Speaking!
i only know of a few witnesses that believe that.
did you feel that the ministry was especially rewarding and gratifying to you?
NO - and the sad thing was, I thought for many years that there must have been something wrong with me - like a point that I was missing.
Of course - there WAS a point that I was missing all-right. It just wasn't quite the one that I imagined!
i was recently talking to a girl in my psychology class who told me that she use to be a jw and was df'd in the mid 1990's.
this girl shocked me because usually ex-jws are so unhappy and miserable and spend most of their time complaining about the "evil" wt society.
she told me that when she was df'd alot of ex-jws swarmed towards her trying to get her to "bash" the wt but she refused.
This post makes it sound like you have only two choices - i.e. EITHER you can bash the WTS, OR get on with your life.
Has anyone considered that you can do both at the same time?
That is , get on with your life, while at the same time taking a shot at the WTS whenever opportunity presents itself.
That has been my modus operandi in the eleven years since I broke with the Watchtower madness, anyway.
I deeply regret to this day that, back in 1971, I let the WTS talk me out of going to university: - thereby gaining the engineering degree that would have now gained me a good job in a civilized place -Instead of some location well on the othe rside of the proverbial "Black Stump" where I am now!
To those of you now studying at college;
- Why leave it to a bunch of old fogies in Brooklyn to tell you what you may or may not do with your life?
- What qualifies them to know what is best for you?
- Most importantly; if their "advice" proves to be wrong, who is going to pay the consequences for that , you or them?
The brutal reality is that it is you, Joe average poor so-and-so JW that will suffer from the follies of that lot!
i know so many people, not just witnesses that are on zoloft or similar drugs.
i know of some that, once they left the "truth", stopped taking these meds and have not had to go back on them.
i know of some that, if they did not have them, would not be able to properly function......what about you?
After the death of my 16 year old son in an accident, I was on Prozac for three years. A the end of that time, I ceased it "cold turkey" (not recommended - but it worked for me). Since then, the only medicine that I take for depression comes in a brown bottle - and that wrs better than anything else that I have ever tried!
i find the topic of the 1975 end of the world scenario facinating, especially since i never lived through it.
do you old schoolers ever feel concerned that people will one day forget about what really went down?
with whitewashed tripe like the 'proclaimers' book informing dubs that it was just the false expectations of over enthusiastic apostates, are you at all concerned that the legacy of bullshit that is 1975 will be a forgotten moment in history blamed on you instead where the blame really belongs?
Having always been an avid reader - including, unfortunately that garbage for 28 years - I remember well those magazine articles in 1968 ( 8/15 and 10/8). Furthermore, anyone in those times who dared suggest that the end was not coming in 1975 was branded as "weak".
After 1975, I encountered a number of JWs who reckoned that they never believed that the year would see the big A. Significantly, though - if these ones did believe that in the pre-1975 years, they kept it to themselves.
It is true enough that the WTS did not say in so many words that 1975 was going to see Armegeddon - but they certainly and repeatedly left the thought hanging there; which is just as bad!
i wonder what the profiles of these people are.
the fact is that every sentence they write is taken by over 6 000 000 people almost as a word of god.
(in fact most of us here, i would imagine, at one time or another felt the same).
After an International Assembly back about 1985/86, I met someone from the Writing Department. It was a disappointment, to say the least! This person (who shall remain anonymous) remains to this day one of the most arrogant so-and-sos that I have ever met. I doubt if his education was to any great degree, but talk about a mouth full of razor blades!
i know people have left for people issues but what about jehovah god and jesus?
what have they done?.
Jez and Serenity Now both sum it up beautifully.
If Jehovah of the Watchtower is what God is, then I loathe the creature!
As an extension to that - if even half of those that reckon they are going to live in the "New System" are going to be there, then I would not want to be.